Cabot Area Home Education

CAHE Guidelines


Cabot Area Home Educators Guidelines for Conduct & Behavior


A.     As a Member of Cabot Area Home Educators your family agrees to:

1.     Abide by all state laws concerning homeschooling.

2.     After one year of membership, members are encouraged to volunteer for at least one event per school year as noted on the Membership Registration form.

3.    To encourage member involvement, after you have been a member of CAHE for 1 year, it will be expected for you to volunteer in one CAHE event outside of co-op involvement. This may be by organizing or helping with a party, leading a field trip, etc.

B.     Field Trips and Group Activities

                          1.     Clothing

          i.     Everyone should be neat, clean and well-groomed.

          ii.     No immodest or indecent clothing.

          iii.    No expicit or vulgar graphics or words on any clothing.

2.     Behavior

          i.       No improper or rowdy behavior.

          ii.      No profane speech.

          iii.     Show appreciation to the host or hostess. Remember, we are their guests.     

          iv.     Do not disturb or touch anything unless otherwise allowed to do so.

          v.      Always clean up your area at restaurants, parties, etc.                          

          vi.     The coordinator of the field trip or activity has the authority to request that a parent /guardian remove any child who does                         not comply with the above guidelines. No refunds of the function’s cost will be made if the child is asked to leave.

3.     Parents

          i.        All are encouraged to participate and there must be 3 or 4 adults at each event.

          ii.       If a parent cannot attend an event, please make prior arrangements for the supervision of your child/children. CAHE is not                       responsible for supervising your child. 

         iii.      Please know what your children are doing, or where they are at all times. The safety and security of each child is solely up                       to the parent or guardian.

C.     Group Representation

1.     Do not reference the group or use the group name in connection with buying or collecting any product or material without consent from the group by vote.

2.     Leadership may print and post flyers for CAHE events open to the public without membership vote.

3.     Remember, the group has elected leadership to act as contact persons with the state and schools for Cabot Area Home Educators homeschoolers.

4.     Since everyone attending group functions are representing the group, participants must be members that have agreed and signed the “Guidelines for Conduct and Behavior."

       i.     Guests (non-paid members) are invited and will be allowed to participate in two functions.

       ii.    If guests wish to participte beyond the two activities they will need to pay to be a member.

       iii.   If you are regularly taking care of a child that is not your own, and want them to participate in events or activities with  your family, please get permission from leadership. 

D. CAHE Activity Planning

                         CAHE encourages members to plan activities for all to enjoy. When planning an activity, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

                           1.     All activities planned under the CAHE name are subject to Leadership's approval.

                           2.     Activities should require a reasonable amount of time and resources from those participating.

                           3.     Activities should follow all of the guidlelines listed above, and should not violate commonly held biblical principles and morals.

                           4.     Please use persons outside of CAHE to judge fairs, contests, etc.


Let us keep in mind the reputation we want to establish in public. We want to retain a good name for ourselves as homeschoolers, as well as for our group. We can accomplish that together by following these guidelines.


2 Cor. 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

Disclaimer: Leadership reserves the right to deny or terminate membership at any time for any reason.